Monday, September 29, 2008

Mind blowing.....and a loss by 4 points

Was it the fact that Dan's mind was blown due to showing up and seeing only the FNG and Scott A. practicing that contributed to such a pathetic 1st game effort of 116? It could be but that was not the only score that was less than awe inspiring (Brian 124 absentee, Scott 128 and FNG Mark 123). Considering those 4 scours it was somewhat amazing the team only lost by almost 100. It was only Pat that could muster up a respectable 174.

Game 2 saw a complete reversal as Dan smoked the lanes with a 231 (nice consistency), Scott increased by 27 to a 155 and Mark increased by 13 to 136. Pat, on the other hand, plummeted by 42 down to a 132. All in all, the efforts lead to a 132 point victory in game 2.

Despite the very solid 3rd game efforts (Pat 161, Dan 167, Scott 163, Mark 136) we lost the 3rd game by 37 and the overall evening by a total of 4 pins to go 2-5.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

FNG can't deliver on promise

"Hey, guys, I've got a 180 bowler that wants to join our team", Jim said enthusiastically. "Great, let's make him our new leader, we have to replace Ass-pan." Three weeks into the new season, as we sat around debating if the FNG (fu#@&ing new guy), claimed he was a 180 or a 160 bowler, it took a comment from Dan to put it all into perspective: "It does not really matter if he claimed he was a 180 or a 160 bowler, the reality is he is a 120 bowler". Of course this got the group laughing which led FNG Mark (his new name until he gets to at least 160) to state: "I don't think I like playing with you guys." "Neither does anyone else."

Thankfully we could laugh at that little exchange because our effort for the evening was only worthy of tears. After a dominating 1st game victory, we took a beating in game 2 and 3, losing the huge lead we built in the 1st game, stumbling to a 2-5 record for the evening. Despite the overall disappointment, there were a few highlights. Jim (223) and Dan (208) both broke 200 in the 1st game. Pat (516), Jim (521) and Dan (504) all broke the 500 series mark. Brain got more marks in these 3 games then he got in the month of April last season and Mark's 2nd game rally in the 10th allowed him to finish with a solid 105,avoiding the sub 100 humiliation.

It was fun watching Jim bowl his 4th, 200+ game in the 1st seven games of this season, but there was some suspicion that he was on borrowed time. Well, the bowling gods called in the loan in the 3rd game as Jim had six, 1st ball sevens and no strikes until the 10th frame on the way to a Brianesq 139 (Brian wishes he could bowl a 139!!). Pat, feeling the pressure of the 540 challenge put out by Dan, missed 3, middle of the lane 1 pin pickups on the way to a 151. If only 2 of the 3 had been picked up the 540 was within reach. Remember what your Dad says(no, not the smelly balls comment) "You have more than 2 ball widths to pick those up for crying out loud!!" At one point Pat was heard exclaiming: "The damn coach messed me up!!"

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Another Season is under way!!

Team Los Diablos started off the new season with 4 members of the original team and were once again searching for the elusive 5th team member. The dunce cap landed on yet another Naperville wannabe from the 'hood. It did not take long for the team to treat him as a long lost friend, taking no time to start heaping on the verbal abuse with no mercy. There was some speculation that Mark may n0t return for week 2. To his credit (or a testament to his stupidity) he showed up in week 2, raring to go.

Enough of the "welcome the new team member" crap. Let's get a re-cap of the nights' events. Week 1 saw Jim come storming out of the gates with an impressive 605 series...2 games over 200! Unfortunately for the overall team standings, those 2 games outscored the 3 game series for the majority of the team. Pat's 395, Brian's 379 and Mark's 357 left Jim mumbling under his breath. Dan's 461 was not all that much better and the team had an uninspired 2-5 record.

In week 2, Jim was out to show that week 1 was no fluke. A career best game of 255 led to a career best series of 620. After a 605 and a 620, I can only provide positive comments on this effort. Congratulations Jim. The question now is....can you keep it up? (easy Jim, I'm talking about the bowling scores). Pat up'd his score from the previous week, using a 210 to springboard to a 512 series. Dan had a 192 and 179 before limping home with a "Paulsenized" 3rd game 121. Brian, saving the best to last, had a 3rd game of 143, leading to the in-your-face "Paulsenize that!" comment. Mark's 131, 138 and 110 led everyone to fondly remember another Los Diablos of the same name. The team took the evening 5-2 to even up the record for the year.