Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Huh oh, we stubbed our toe!

Hot off our 5-2 week against Morningwood from the week before, Los Diablos entered week 12 solidly in 1st place with a 50 and 27 record and up 6 in the "won" column. Welcoming back team captain Brian and super sub Jim H., we were feeling pretty good.....until we started to bowl. The team average had crept to a franchise best 791 on the strength of solid weekly team efforts usually paced by 1 or 2 members having exceptional weeks. There were no exceptional efforts ths week although Jim H. did improve his average by over 3 pins.

Now on to the gruesome details. If a score in the 120's is girly, what do you call a score 30 pins BELOW that? Although a 92 would probably place in the top 10% of the Naperville area Brownie bowling tournament, unfortunately this is the Villa Park men's league and they will not allow us to use bumpers despite the obvious fact that they would certainly help. A no-show series of 414 (138 for each game, 10 below average) would have done the team better than the childlike 383 series turned in by our fearless leader.

On the strength of a final game 212 Dan stopped the downward trend of the last 4 weeks and actually increased his average 0.8. Pat bowled right at his average and for the 2nd consecutive week was the king of Huntington, edging out Jim M. once again. Even captain Brian took note and pointed out this recent trend to the man who would be king. Always the wordsmith, Jim replied "Look at this, I'm taking crap from Mr. 383!!"

Let's re-group and hope that the 2nd place team did not take 7 last week.

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