Monday, September 29, 2008

Mind blowing.....and a loss by 4 points

Was it the fact that Dan's mind was blown due to showing up and seeing only the FNG and Scott A. practicing that contributed to such a pathetic 1st game effort of 116? It could be but that was not the only score that was less than awe inspiring (Brian 124 absentee, Scott 128 and FNG Mark 123). Considering those 4 scours it was somewhat amazing the team only lost by almost 100. It was only Pat that could muster up a respectable 174.

Game 2 saw a complete reversal as Dan smoked the lanes with a 231 (nice consistency), Scott increased by 27 to a 155 and Mark increased by 13 to 136. Pat, on the other hand, plummeted by 42 down to a 132. All in all, the efforts lead to a 132 point victory in game 2.

Despite the very solid 3rd game efforts (Pat 161, Dan 167, Scott 163, Mark 136) we lost the 3rd game by 37 and the overall evening by a total of 4 pins to go 2-5.

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